Psychological safety: what the latest research says and how to actually create it in teams

Lisa Gill
28 March 2024

Amy Edmondson’s four box model of psychological safety and accountability

Psychological safety is something everyone is talking about. But how do you actually make it happen in your team or organisation?

We’ve looked at the latest research and combined it with our own experience over the last twenty years to create some tips on how to create a culture of psychological safety.

In this white paper you will find:

  • Summarised findings from two research reports by Gallup and McKinsey

  • Our comments on these findings

  • Four practical (and perhaps provocative!) tips for leaders on how to create psychological safety in your team from Tuff’s co-founder and CEO Karin Tenelius

Click here to download our psychological safety whitepaper.

Related resources:

If you found this useful or insightful, you might be interested in one of our training programmes in which leaders get plenty of self-insight and practical training in the mindset, way of being and skills needed to create psychological safety.

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