The missing piece for HR

Do you dream of an organization with responsive managers, independent employees and a culture characterized by openness and trust?

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Person cutting the strings to another person sitting at a desk

It starts here

If you work in HR, we offer a free webinar that provides valuable insight into how we train HR professionals


Online interactive Zoom session

9:00-11:00 BST

Free of charge

Practical and tough

Just like our full training programme, this webinar is interactive, and you will try out new ways of having familiar conversations that are both tough and empathetic and create responsibility in the other person.

Who is this for?

  • For those who work in HR in medium-sized and large organizations.

  • People responsible for leadership training in organisations (for example, heads of Learning and Development, People, or Culture)

What to expect?

An interactive session about how we can view leadership and organisational culture in a totally different way. You will also discover what mindset and skills leaders need to develop in order to create real shifts. Joining the session will give you a taster of our Tuff training in order to decide if one of our programmes is a good fit for you or your team/organisation.


Online using Zoom. It will be nothing like a normal webinar. It will be a mix of input and practical, interactive elements using breakout rooms.

What you will get

The webinar will introduce you to the key concepts behind our HR training and give you a practical insight into the shift we help create:

  • The world is changing
    Many organisations are struggling with an outdated culture and not sure how to navigate the future. HR is no different and we will outline what we think the paradigm shift is and how HR can be part of it.

  • Be the change you want to see
    It isn’t enough for HR professionals just to understand the change that’s happening, they have to embody it, and we will show you the ‘upgraded operating system’ that’s needed.

  • Being a business partner requires both toughness and empathy
    Most HR professionals have training in the knowledge of HR, we can show you how ‘partnering’ with the business requires a different way of being.

  • More human
    HR professionals need to be clear about what is needed and often make a ‘stand for’ the right thing. We teach you to do that without becoming formal, ‘strict’ or ‘wearing a role’ – in short you can be clear, confident, respectful and human.

  • Change a collaborative climate that doesn’t work in a short time – how is it possible?
    How do you shift an energy-draining work climate to one that works well? Underlying conflicts, dissatisfaction and bullshit culture have a major negative impact on group effectiveness. We tell you how to bring about lasting change in a short time.shifting leaders’ way of being, from unconsciously hierarchical (what we call a ‘parent-child’ dynamic) to new awareness and an ability to be equal-equal (adult-adult)

Hand stacking a cube ontop of increasing bar chart

About Tuff

Tuff is known for transformative learning experiences that create real and lasting shifts. At the core of our method is a set of principles we have developed through twenty years of practice.

Read more about Tuff

Want to know more?

We'd be happy to have a conversation with you about your needs and to share the different ways Tuff could support you

Contact us

Read more

Self-management is about more than reinventing structures

More and more is being written about self-managing and decentralised ways of working, with organisations like Haier and Buurtzorg capturing the attention of management and business thinkers the world over. However, most (if not all) of the focus in these case studies tends to be on structures and processes. Don’t get me wrong, structures and processes are extremely important. But they are not enough if we truly want our organisations to shift.

Lisa Gill
28 September 2020